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broke it :3

I got a higher score vid


I just wanted to say I have this game bookmarked and pop it open for a quick game nearly every day, its super fun! Thank you for your work! :D

i absolutely love to hear that thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷

i just started towering straight up at the end lol


I think I like playing risky

HOLYYY master of physics 

This game is awesome! My high score is 136kg!

(1 edit) (+4)

You can really produce a terrific game with very simple rules if you come up with a great idea. Tetrenga shows that. I would have guessed this took a month at least, not four days.

My High score is 188KG


This is fun!


This game is awesome! I played it for a bit and I see in comments some people got to insane scores, but I am still happy with mine :D!


I almost broke 500, I keep coming back.  This is entertaining!


It was a lot much fun! ✨️
Fun to see the girl on the bottom left move around a bit, and most importantly, it's fun to use physics to build things up!
I played it streaming, and the rules are very easy to understand, so it was easy to get into, and the other people watching me also played at the same time, which was nice.

my playthrough


Wow!! Thank you so much for playing on stream, I'm so flattered!! ❤️😊

You take the tetris block and drop it onto the next tetris block, making  it constantly go up.


this game is really hard, supa fun though <3


My copy of Tetris on the 3DS behind me is jealous of the time I'm spending on Tetrenga...


This was such a cute game! And somehow also super stressful haha I played a few rounds because it's just plain fun. I love the art style and everything worked and sounded great. Thanks and congrats on finishing the jam!

(1 edit) (+1)

The art is so incredibly cute! Reminds me of tricky towers (and ofc Tetris). Very fun, although the Godot physics can be a bit wonky. The Chance mechanic also makes the gameplay very varied.

My Highscore was 292! (I couldn't put the game away and improved to 308, I died to a chance block that was too large and pushed my tower away ):   )

very fun would recommend



Wooo! This is awesome :D


Tetrenga Is My New Favourite Word

So coool!

(2 edits) (+1)

Found a way to cheat

A way to fix it could be to make the next piece intangible until you grab it 

Love the game

(My best is 350 without cheating)

oh my god!!! i knew about the infinite flying upwards bug but didn't think about the possibility of autoclicking blocks lol.. these can definitely be fixed post-jam, this is hilarious thank you for showing us 


also my best


yippee fanart

<3 <3 <3


Love love love the game!!

Super cute and replayable, and definitely fun to try to get the high score in your friends group!! >:3c


What a monster score!

really cool game

i got a new high score


This game is addicting. I'm gonna hear "CHANSU" in my dreams tonight c:


good game




on a scale of 1 to 100 this gave me a heart rate of 140






(1 edit) (+2)

I'm addicted

Edit: I managed to build the tower so tall that I saw the edge of the background texture.

GHOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Really fun game this is my high score. my strat was to get a good base and angle stack a tower i really wish i could 1 hold a block and 2 zoom out or look back at my tower to try and fix any gaps

Hehe thank you for playing!! Getting a good base is like 90% of the challenge. Your 2 ideas are very good and if I do a post-jam version I'd absolutely add them thank you! 


yahoo!!!! banger game with super fun physics, played for 3 hours straight and would do it again <3 


I LOVE that game! It looks polished and addictive—I spent more than half an hour playing it. Also, I found a cheat code: when placing a block, you can adjust the position of other blocks, which really helped me in tricky situations.

P.S. It was fun to discover that our games look so similar. It was interesting to see how you interpreted the Tetris/Tricky Towers mechanics

Deleted post

Wow I really love this!

  • You really nailed the cute arcade puzzle visuals, especially with the score counter and her little moments of panic!
  • Music is fun and fitting :)
  • The Take a Chance mechanic is a great way to add variety and suspense, but also it really helps with the early game to build back up to decent weight! Love that hidden replayability factor.
  • I also really love that the pieces retain their physics, it adds a fun operation-like mechanic where you can nudge or even fully extract a polyomino if you're careful enough!

I do have two minor criticisms:

  • I appreciate there being a way to rotate polyominoes precisely, but it being on the mouse wheel makes it rough to input, physically.
  • I think I would also prefer to be able to click to grab and click to release, instead of having to hold it. This would also eliminate the above point.

Great game, I could easily see this becoming something I play in waiting rooms and the like if it was on mobile, or spending a few hours on the PC to go through a proper campaign / set of levels.

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